Monday, January 21, 2008

It's been less than a week!

The hat has gone missing! Last night he was wearing it when we left my sister's house. I remember because I pointed it out to my mom, since she had just bought him another matching scarf to replace the lost one. Then we went to my grandmother's, dropped her off with all her leftover food. We came home. At that point, I asked Andreas where his hat was, noticing that he wasn't wearing it upon entering our home. We assumed that it was in the car and went to sleep. This morning, when we were in a hurry of course, we frantically looked through the car, apartment, and any bag in our house that could have possibly interacted with Andreas in the past 24 hours. The conclusion being that the hat has disappeared. We left the house. When we returned, there was a message a from my mom that I had lost an earring somewhere and one from my sister that I had left my house keys at her house (I didn't even have time to notice that they were missing and they were already found).

What a crazy bunch of distracted cooks we are. Oh well, I have my family on the hunt for the tuque somewhere in the suburbs. I think that I should start sewing strings onto all of Andreas' things. But I'm not sure what to attach them to. Maybe his jacket? That would be an interesting invention. A one in all winter coat. I bet that a lot of Canadians would buy it. I find it so hard to invest in a good pair of gloves or a hat because I lose a few every winter.

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